Is love the secret ingredient?
Episode six puts the plot aside for some fun. In place of Fubuki leading the story, Destroyer Group Six stole the spotlight. After returning from an expedition, they learn about the annual curry contest. Despite their inexperience when it comes to cooking, they were head over heels about the reward. If they win, then their recipe will be served at the Navel District for the next year. Although they had a long learning curve ahead of themselves, they never gave up. Upon the day of the contest, a majority of their rivals ended up eliminating themselves. Still, Ashigara and Haguro won’t let them take the victory without a fight. They’ve got years of experience on their end, though the judge, Nagato, isn’t one for spiciness. In the end, Destroyer Group Six’s hard work was recognized. There’s a new style of curry being served to all the fleet girls.
While this was a fun episode to watch, I can’t say the same for working on it. I’m hoping no other episode does this, but this one had a lot of panning shots. As you’ll see below, there’re more stitches than normal. I ended up with 91 for just this episode, though I could’ve pushed well over 100. In any case, if you’re a fan of Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, or Inazuma, then this was your episode. They’re a cute little bunch off and on the seas. Anyhow, think you can take the heat? Enjoy the new dish going around the district!
That’s enough fun for now. We’ll be back with the plot next Thursday.