Home Black Clover Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 108

Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 108

by Yumiko

Who’s in control now?

Letoile’s compass magic has taken absolute control of the battlefield. Not a single spell could be thrown her way, though Noelle was able to take advantage of the situation. She’s no stranger to losing control of her magic. As her water magic began to flood Letoile’s controlled space, she was forced to cancel the distortion spell. That brief pause was enough for Nozel to restrain her. Unfortunately, Letoile wasn’t done. From out of the blue, Nozel was struck three times from behind. With only one Silva left standing, Letoile reactivated her distortion spell. The time to end a royal line had come, and no amount of water would flush her out this time. However, Noelle refused to let things end like this. They may have tormented her growing up, not a single good memory could be recounted, yet they were still her family. In a moment of great desperation, Noelle unlocked a new spell. An armor nearly identical to her mother’s has danced across the battlefield. Letoile’s compass magic didn’t stand a chance against Noelle’s absolute control. Still, bringing down one elf doesn’t mean this night is over. Six more elves awaited Noelle as Letoile fell. Fortunately, they didn’t enter house Silva as a pair. Zora has spent his time well. Knowing these elves know nothing of trap magic, he’s taken advantage of their ignorance. Together with Noelle and a slightly patched up Nozel, they’ve retaken their home.

A little more than just fighting took place. Before the three that either tormented or gave her the cold shoulder, Noelle has proven them all wrong. However, some of this was done on purpose. Prior to Acier’s death, Nozel was told to do everything possible to protect his siblings. Seeing how similar his mother and sister looked, he did everything possible to keep Noelle away from the battlefield. Unfortunately, his actions have done the opposite. Seeing the error in his ways, he’s apologized for everything. Additionally, let the records show Nozel is a mama’s boy. There’s no other sibling that cared for his mother as much as he did. Moreover, we’ll be swapping locations again. Within the Kira quarters, another fight has been going on. Ready to settle another sibling dispute? Anyhow, Noelle’s Valkyrie Dress has stolen the stage. Enjoy witnessing her dance to victory!





Click here for the 108th webm collection.


There’s a score waiting to be settled. Join us next Tuesday for the spatial brothers.

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