Home Azur Lane Azur Lane T.V. Media Review Episode 5

Azur Lane T.V. Media Review Episode 5

by Yumiko

They’re not getting away!

A blockade surrounding a abandoned island has been formed. Sheffield, Edinburgh, and Akashi have found themselves trapped from all sides, though reinforcements are inbound. In a show of force, Azur Lane has brought a large rescue fleet. While Prince of Wales led a diversionary attack, a small group broke through the blockade. Fortunately, Belfast and Cleveland made it just in time. The maids have been secured, although that’s not the only trick Azur Lane was playing. Zuikaku and Shoukaku were led on a wild chase for who they believed to be Enterprise. Unfortunately for them, Enterprise also broke through their line. The Iron Bloods sent to hunt down the maids won’t stand a chance against her. It’ll be another another forced retreat for the Crimson Axis.

While the main plot continues to chug along, there’s been a side plot going on between friends on different sides of the line. Ayanami, Javelin, and Laffey may be newly acquainted, but neither side truly wishes to fight one another. This has been especially hard on Ayanami. Torn between her duty and friendship, she has no clue how to handle Laffey’s continued calls for peace. Something gotta give, though we’re left off on a cliffhanger. Moreover, it’s become hard to ignore the amount of quality issues going on. Last week was slightly excusable, but episode 5 suffers from start to finish. This show wants to be action heavy, but it’s quite clear they’re struggling to pull that off. Nonetheless, the main attraction remains strong. Fresh lewd shots await below. Anyhow, the fog is clearing up. Enjoy another victory for Azur Lane!


I don’t normally like do this, but I’m calling it out. How do we go from no rigging…

To fully geared…

Then back to no gear.

Ignore the quality for a moment. They have corrected Helena’s pantsu color.

Also, here’s one of Sandy for future reference.

Once more, no gear on.

Then it suddenly appears! If we’re following the rules of this show, I doubt they’re recalling their ship every few minutes.




Click here for the 5th webm collection.


How many retreats can we take? It’s back to headquarters next time!

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Yumiko (@guest_2643)
4 years ago

Thank you, Reachsky.

Boner ReachSky
Boner ReachSky (@guest_2642)
4 years ago

Nice Review!! (^^)/

Yumiko (@guest_2641)
4 years ago

Bibury Animation Studio is rather new to the scene, so I doubt they’re packing much on cash or talent. This is actually their first full length show. Their other projects are a short OVA and a movie. Not much to go on, though their other works looked fine from when I looked over them.

Adam Kohut
Adam Kohut (@guest_2640)
4 years ago

I actually heard somewhere that the studio that is animating this show is well funded, guess that was a misleading information then. Pitty though, cause as you said, if some other studio would take this on instead and attempted some other way for the story to progress then it could have turned out much better, it’s a real pitty in my opinion, cause I can totally imagine a relaxed/subtle story of this anime where it would follow the shipgirls and their standart everyday lifes and such.

Jesus Albert
Jesus Albert (@guest_2639)
4 years ago

Some errors. but still, a lot of action!

Yumiko (@guest_2638)
4 years ago

As I hinted at above, this anime is attempting to do more than it can afford. I’m still enjoying seeing my favorite shipfus animated, but a lighter plot would of done this show justice. Very few studios can pull off action every episode while maintaining a decent quality standard. A story similar to Dog Days or Strike Witches would of went a long way here.

Adam Kohut
Adam Kohut (@guest_2637)
4 years ago

Really loving this! Pitty it’s not as popular as it should have been, I mean the game’s pretty popular after all, I guess the lacking animation quallity is driving most people off but I dont really mind. I’m loving the characters and I’m glad I can see them not just in game but in an actual animation as well, it just breathes in new kind of aspect into the characters that I really adore. I hope the animation improves so that people will stop complaining about it and appreciates it for what it is..