What are friends for?
Ren’s part-time job has been killer on her feet. While everyone has left school for the day, she’s stayed behind to relax and massage her feet. However, messaging one’s own feet can only take one so far. Once Yua arrived on scene, there’s been a change in pace. She’ll be taking over the message duty, and Ren will be filling the halls with joy. Anyhow, ready for a sole massage? Enjoy the after school fun!
End Card:
Click here for the 8th webm collection.
The tights are never forgotten. Look forward to more sensual reviews!
Sensei’s screen time is always a treasure.
That teacher… Ufffff
I see. I probably might not watch every installment on Monogatari.
You may watch it chronologically, but you’ll end up jumping all over the places at some points. People out there have made charts for it.
So start there and not in chronological order?
I’d recommend watching it in airing order, so Bakemonogatari would come first. I’m only starting with the movie so it’s easier to write my posts for it.
Where should I start with the movies or the TV series?
Yes, I’ve started slowly re-watching. I’m starting with the movies, though, and there some of best so far to me personally.
Like you’re restarting the series? I don’t know if the movies are any good.
It is quite long now, and I even lost my original place watching it. Doing the movie reviews for it is somewhat of a restart for me.
I couldn’t get into Monogatari because there are so many installments being released too closely.
There’s a lot of scenes from Monogatari that hold great favor over me. I hope to one day cover them here, though it would be long ways in the future.
Really? I do remember that scene because it was everywhere at the time of its release.
I can see the resemble now that you’ve brought it up. Also, that scene is one of my all time favorites. Use to have it playing every time I opened my browser.
This reminds me of that toothbrush scene from Nisemonogatari but with tights and feet. Also, I would love to massage those feet of theirs.