Home Black Clover Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 68

Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 68

by Yumiko

Absolutely original!

Jack and Yami’s long standing rivalry can no longer be contained. They’ve had many ups and down together, but today’s battle will decide it all. Upon the festival grounds a food stall battle is about to begin. It’ll be a toss up between squid and meat, though there’s one major problem. No one wants to buy food from these two maniacs. Sales may be out of the window, but a traditional battle will settle the score. Unfortunately, before these two could truly pop off, Julius put a stop to things. We can’t have 2 captains hurting themselves on this treasured night. Regardless, these two will keep going at one another until the end of their times. There’s nothing like a good rivalry to keep the festive spirit alive.

I can’t say this one was easy on the eyes. This was an original episode, so one can’t expect anything too amazing coming out of it. Still, the comedy element held this one together. If you’re a fan of the running gags in Black Clover, then they overloaded them here. Moreover, we should be back to cannon content starting next week. Asta has crash landed in the correct spot this time. Anyhow, the rewards are still on the way. Enjoy the fresh squid!





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We’ll be back on track soon. Join us for the reward ceremony next Tuesday!

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