Congratulations, Conny!
Grace Field has been a loving home for orphans for generations. It is here where our story begins, and is led by Emma. She and her siblings live out a premium life. Each day is filled with tests, playing games, and eating food cooked by their “Mama”. However, from time to time Emma must see one of her siblings off. This is an orphanage, after all. Conny’s stay within the Grace Field home was up, but they’ll surely hear from her again. None of the other siblings to leave have ever written back, though Conny promises she will. On the night of her departure, everyone waves her off with tears filled in their eyes. Unfortunately, Conny forget her beloved stuffed animal. Being the big sister that she is, Emma along with Norman attempt to reach her before she leaves. Now, approaching the front gate was forbidden by Mama. She loves all her children, yet there are many rules in place to keep them happy as can be. Regardless, this would be Emma’s only chance to give Conny her toy. She’ll just apologize to Mama later, right? Well, what Emma and Norman saw that night would change their lives forever. Conny won’t be writing back.
let’s break down what happened here. What Emma and Norman found at the front gate were several things. First, they found Conny’s dead body. This sight threw their world upside down. Next, they saw demons. This struck true fear into their hearts. After that, they found out their loving mother is also working with said demons. Their hearts were in shreds at this point. Finally, they learned that they were next on the list. The finest cattle on the market would soon be ready for harvesting. Emma, Norman, and Ray were only a short while away from being eaten. After the initial shock of learning all these truths to their world, Emma and Norman have sworn to fight back. They plan to escape Grace Field with all their siblings, yet this is easier said than done. Mama already knows something is up. Leaving behind that stuffed animal tipped Mama off. Someone within the orphanage saw something they shouldn’t have.
There’s probably a few more things everyone here should take note of. We have three leads in this story, though Emma is really the main focus. Still, Emma, Norman, and Ray will be in the spot light for the first arc. These three must now take on a impossible mission. Escaping Grace Field will require every ounce of brain power they can muster. Now, what I mean by that is, we’re pretty much going to be playing 4D chess for 11 weeks. Don’t expect this to be action heavy, well at least for the first season. Nevertheless, this story will keep you on your toes. These cattle children are in for numerous reveals over the coming weeks. Anyhow, let’s get this twist started. Enjoy the loving orphanage!
OP: I don’t often comment on openings, but this one really caught my eye. Excellent job on the visuals here, CloverWorks.
Episode 1:
Click here for the WebM album.
We’ve got 11 episodes to bust out of this hell hole. So, be sure to find out the details of the plan next Wednesday!