Home One Room 3 One Room 3 T.V. Media Review Episode 12

One Room 3 T.V. Media Review Episode 12

by Yumiko

Best ending achieved.

There was only one logical outcome after our last chat. We’re married, though that’s not the final step in this relationship. However, before embarking onto the next leg, it’s time we’ve moved out of our one-room apartment. While it’s heartbreaking to let those memories go, we’ll be making plenty more with our newest addition to the family.

As I’ve said many times in the past, these shows are what you make of it. If you’re able to self-insert and vibe with the girls, then this will be a delight. If not, well hopefully you didn’t torture your self for three seasons. In any case, it’s been a blast to see our progression with Yui. Started from the girl next door to wife and child. I couldn’t of asked for a better ending. Anyhow, things can only get better from here. Enjoy the family life!





It doesn’t get any better than this. Look forward to a full life with Yui!

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Dominic hall
Dominic hall (@guest_4271)
6 days ago

One room best anime ever

Dominic hall
Dominic hall (@guest_4267)
1 month ago

Best show ever

Dominic hall
Dominic hall (@guest_4256)
8 months ago

Happy 5 anniversary one room

Dominic hall
Dominic hall (@guest_4195)
2 years ago

wow yui and me are a family

Dominic hall
Dominic hall (@guest_4194)
2 years ago

Yup yui is a mother

Dominic hall
Dominic hall (@guest_4158)
2 years ago

Yui is the best wife everyone