Home Black Clover Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 139

Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 139

by Yumiko

It’s a Vanessa episode!

Knowing full well of the difficult battles to come, Vanessa has put down the bottle to begin her own training. Believing her best route was returning home, she approached the Queen of Witches for aid. While there’s ancient magic hidden within the forest, Vanessa was assigned a most unusual task. Among all the witches of the forest, Elvira Aguirre and Samantha Kravitz are arguably the weakest. However, when they were paired with Vanessa they turned a number of heads. Not only were they able to fortify the forest, Vanessa learned a valuable lesson working with these two. Ever since she left her cage behind, she’s chosen her own path. Her ability to grow and change fate can’t be obtained by relying on the Queen’s aid. Moving forward, she’ll continue to connect with those closest to her to bring about the best possible fate.

Once more, there was very little actual training in these so-called training episodes. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see Vanessa again. It’s truly been a while since she’s been in the spotlight. This episode also had Domina make an appearance. Living life on the run isn’t cheap, so she’s returned to the forest to sell her magical wares. Anyhow, it’s time to clear the area of magical beasts. Enjoy preparing for the Spade invasion!





How about a favor? We’re working for Julius next time.

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