Home Information Summer 2020

Summer 2020

by Yumiko

What’s in store this summer?

Before diving into the thick of things, a round of thanks are in order. As previously stated, this was our last shot at big seasonal coverage. That didn’t go quite as planned due to the pandemic, but thank you for sticking it out here. I truly appreciate all the time you’ve spent with Anime Solution. Whether you were brave enough to comment, just leaving a like, or simply lurking, know that I recognize you all. Furthermore, a big special thank you to those that helped test out our new features. Without you, this redesign wouldn’t of been possible. On top of that, thank you ORS-Anime Renders for creating all our new banners, Prahlad Yeri for saving our old comments, and Zuladraws for creating our emotes.

Now for the hard part… When Anime Solution opened up shop, I only planned for fall 2017 to be big. However, life had other plans in mind. On November 10th, 2017, my family’s home went up in flames due to an electrical fire. While I was originally told everything would be fixed in 6 months, I’m sure many of you know at this point that never came to past. Upon seeing how botched our first season of coverage went, I tried to make it back up with preceding seasons. Things have certainly gotten better here, but there are a number of real life issues I can no longer put off. As I stated last season, I’m in danger of no longer having a roof over my head. Anime Solution and myself have very little financial support, and what little we had quite literately died with the pandemic. So, the current summer 2020 plan is to tie up all our loose ends. The only airing shows I’ll be covering are Black Clover and SAO. Though I would love to continue covering many future and past shows, it’s just not currently possible and I don’t know if it will ever be again. What I do here at Anime Solution takes 8 to 12 hours every day. Once I’m forced to divert attention from Anime Solution, I can no longer promise daily postings.

With the heavy stuff behind us, let’s talk about our new face! Long ago, I promised to fix the website especially for our mobile users. Since day 1 Anime Solution has been scuffed. Half the features on the old skin didn’t ever scale properly. However, our new design should work ten billion percent better. I know change can be scary sometimes, so I attempted to keep things the same as much as possible. Some old features did have to go, though there’s some new stuff that should be to everyone’s liking. All post now come with a gallery feature. You may try it out for yourself with these sample images. Just simply click them and begin sliding away…



Aside from the new design, I had to make a difficult decision halfway through spring 2020. As you may or may not have noticed, we’ve swapped from Gfycat. Gfycat is simply no longer a viable option with their new rules. All video content moving forward is now hosted locally. This was honestly for the best, but there are a few lingering issues. One, I will eventually need to replace all 6,640 WebMs hosted at Gfycat. Two, I can not currently afford to do that. And three, I can only currently offer videos in MP4 format. As it turns out, IOS users can’t play WebMs, and I’m not going to deny 20% of you content. I would like to offer WebMs again one day, but this is another cost issue. Nonetheless, our new video player has been great thus far. I would recommend using a Chrome base browser if you’re on mobile, though. It seems Firefox struggles loading the videos at times. I’m not sure how we do on Safari, as I do not own any Apple products.



I’ve never been a fan of relying heavily on third party services, so we also ditched Disqus last month. We’re now using a native commenting system. If you’re interested in commenting here, then there’s several options below. You may comment by having an account through Disqus, Facebook, or Twitter. Additionally, you may always comment as a guest, and I’ve temporally allowed an option to make an account here. If you click “login”, then you’ll see there’s an option to register. Please make sure you use a real email or you won’t be able to complete your sign up. Furthermore, if you go through with this method, please leave a comment so I know you’re not a bot. Otherwise the account will be deleted within a day. Moreover, our new commenting system allows for the inclusion of emotes. The green sticker icon is where you’ll find our unique Anime Solution emotes. Please use Solution-hime well, and expect to see more emotes later this month.

This was a lot longer than I expected, so I’ll cut it off here. If you’re having any issues with the new design or features, please let me know. I’ll do my best to make as many fixes as possible. Lastly, the seasonal schedule will be updated either Sunday or Monday to let you all know what’s to come. It may not be the most exciting summer here, but the shows will go on with or without me. Anyhow, you know the deal at this point. Enjoy a brand new Anime Solution!


(This post will stay pinned for the next several days.)

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Xunder (@guest_3708)
4 years ago

Thanks for everything you’ve done

Custom (@guest_3703)
4 years ago

It sucks that you might not last long after this summer anime season but at the same time, I do want to give my thanks for staying around with such beautiful screenshots and webms. I would want to help but I has little blogging experience when it comes to keep the site running despite real-life problems.

Custom (@guest_3706)
Reply to  Yumiko
4 years ago

Yumiko, if only I had more experience, I would have do something cool for your blog. I’m still new to blogging after two years of that.

kyojuro rengokuD
kyojuro rengoku (@kyojuro-rengoku)
4 years ago


Jesus HernandezD
Jesus Hernandez (@jahc1998)
Active Member
4 years ago

Thank you for all you have done. I hope everything can go well for you from now on.
I was hoping to see Uzaki-chan here, but it seems like it won’t be possible.
Thank you, good luck and continue with Anime Solution !!!  :ASlewd: 

Bonnie Adams
Bonnie Adams (@guest_3692)
4 years ago

hewwo thank you   :ASsmile: 

PingJuan69 (@pingjuan69)
Reply to  Yumiko
4 years ago
