Home Black Clover Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 132

Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 132

by Yumiko

What’s the best type of bait?

It’s training time for the Black Bulls, though not in a way they ever expected. Mereoleona has busted down their front door and taken them for another trip to Yultim. However, it won’t be a race to the top again. This time they’ll be going down below with the promise of a hot spring at the end. Still, everyone must remain on their toes. One mistake here and they’ll be reduced to ashes. Now, Mereoleona didn’t bring the Black Bulls and the Crimson Lion Kings here just for training. An abnormal creature has taken up residence below Yultim. While Mereoleona would normally be able to handle said creature, it won’t ever come out when she’s around. Using her subordinates as bait did just the trick, yet there’s more to this creature. It’s led them to the entrance of a dungeon, and someone is pulling strings behind this beast.

If you haven’t heard the news yet, then Black Clover will be going on break until further notice. The current global crisis has hit a number of shows, and I suspect a few more of our titles may be hit. Regardless, Black Clover shall always hold a spot here. We haven’t skipped a beat with this one, and I don’t plan to any time soon. Anyhow, it’s been a while since we’ve explored a dungeon. Enjoy making it to the entrance!





Click here for the 132nd webm collection.


It’s time for a much needed break. We’ll be back with more Black Clover once it’s back on air.

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