Home Black Clover Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 127

Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 127

by Yumiko

Orders are orders.

The next step to finding information on devils has been passed onto Gordon. While the Agrippa family has a long history of dealing with curses and forbidden magic, Gordon ran away from that home. Growing up, he longed to make friends. Unfortunately, his family’s history pushed everyone away from him. The very thought that his own family was cursing people eventually pushed him away, too. However, if it’s to help a friend, Gordon is willing to confront his father for help. Taking along Asta, Gauche, and Grey, they are introduced to the head of the family and Gordon’s father, Nathan Agrippa. Nathan has been anticipating his son’s arrival for quite some time, and he’s more than willing to help them out. Upon taking them to his workshop, the Black Bulls prepared for the worst. Fortunately, their fears were unfounded. Unlike his ancestors, Nathan has taken the family into a new direction. He’s the first generation to research treatment of curses. Although his knowledge on curing curses is limited, he can show the Black Bulls a map of cursed individuals. Throughout the Clover Kingdom several such individuals can be found, though an especially odd case appeared within the Heart Kingdom. It is there the Black Bulls believe their next major clue awaits.

While team Gordon found their next big clue, Noelle was off doing an investigation of her own. Now that her relationship with her family has begun to heal, Nozel told her the truth behind their mother’s death. A devil’s curse was the true cause of Acier’s death. However, that’s all Nozel can say. If Noelle wants further information, she’ll have to speak with Dorothy. Upon tracking down Dorothy, Noelle is quickly silenced. If they are to speak about Acier’s curse, then they will have to do so in Glamour World. Within Dorothy’s own personal world, Acier’s curse cannot be passed on. Still, the full details on Acier’s death are limited. All Dorothy could tell her is the influence of devils is spreading at an alarming rate, and the name of the devil who killed her mother, Megicula. Anyhow, this investigation continues to move forward. Enjoying learning about new clues!





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