Home Somali to Mori no Kamisama Somali to Mori no Kamisama T.V. Media Review Episode 9

Somali to Mori no Kamisama T.V. Media Review Episode 9

by Yumiko

It’ll grow back…

On their way to there next destination, Golem and Somali are forced to take shelter from the rain. Fortunately, a vacant tree-house was nearby. It is here Golem makes Somali a special dish. A soufflé she’ll never forget is met with tears of joy, though their bonding time for two is cut short. They weren’t the only travelers seeking shelter. However, they can rest easy. The other set of travelers were familiar faces. Shizuno and Yashibara have gone out to their way to meet a famous dentist. While Somali is happy to see Shizuno and Yashibara, she runs off to bed instead of eating with them. The following day, they enter the near lawless land, Bygone City. It wasn’t long before they located the famous dentist, Sowak. His knowledge on dentistry amazed Shizuno. On the other hand, Somali was frightened beyond belief. It was at this point Golem began to pickup on her strange behavior. Sensing something may be up with her mouth, he attempts to examine her. Unfortunately, she runs a way and bumps into a gang of hoodlums. Taking care of this lot was easy enough for Golem and Yashibara, yet it came with a cost. During the fight, Somali’s loose tooth came flying out. Upon returning to Sowak, Golem and Somali learn there was never a thing to worry about. Losing baby teeth is just apart of growing up. Additionally, these teeth can make a fine memento. A memento that Somali looks forward to building with her father.

In the aftermath of the scuffle in the back alleyway, their group is confronted by a local innkeeper. Amazed by what a fine job Golem and Yashibara did, he offers them a deal. In exchange for their protection, he will offer them free lodging. As Bygone City is about to hit a major busy period, this offer is a blessing. They’ll be able to rest easy away from the shady streets of Bygone City. Exhausted from today’s events, Somali is put to bed by Golem. While she sleeps, Shizuno confronts Golem about the truth. Since their initial meeting, he’s known Somali is human. However, he’s curious why a golem is playing father to a human girl. The tale of their first encounter shall soon be unveiled. Anyhow, it’s begun to snow. Enjoy the comfort of the fireplace!





Click here for the 9th webm collection.


How did this all begin? We’re looking back to their fateful union next Friday.

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