Home Kimetsu no Yaiba Kimetsu no Yaiba T.V. Media Review Episode 26

Kimetsu no Yaiba T.V. Media Review Episode 26

by Yumiko

Any last words?

While Tanjirou was licking his wounds, a meeting just for the Lower Moons was held. The death of Lower Moon 5 was the final straw. Muzan has grown tired of seeing his lesser moons fail time and time again. Compared to the Upper Moons, they are simply a slot for failures. As such, Muzan has personally dismantled them. Begging for another chance or running only meant a quicker death. However, he did spare one. Lower Moon 1 gave him a reply that was satisfactory. After being fed a portion of Muzan’s blood, he was given one last chance, though the task given to him was mighty. The death of a Pillar and Tanjirou is a lot to ask for, but he has no choice moving forward. Moreover, Tanjirou and friends have completed their training. With no need to rest any longer, they’ve been assigned a new mission. Aboard the Infinite Train, Rengoku is awaiting their backup. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one waiting. There’s a Lower Moon on board, too.

I find it difficult to give Kimetsu no Yaiba anything less than a 9/10. What Ufotable was able to do in these past 26 episodes is amazing to say the least. From to start to finish, Ufotable maintained a standard of quality that is rarely seen in anime. While it isn’t all perfect, even a weak moment here is top of the line in most animated shows. So, it really goes to show you, if given to proper hands any source material can shine. If I were purely rating the manga, I wouldn’t be pushing this one so highly. Kimetsu’s story isn’t groundbreaking in the least, although Ufotable could of fooled me. Regardless, the future is looking bright for Kimetsu no Yaiba. This won’t be the last sighting of Tanjirou and friends.

The entire next arc will be receiving a film adaptation. So, there’s no need to worry about a season 2 for now. More content is coming, it’s just a matter of time. I wouldn’t be surprised if season 2 is announced right after the film. Furthermore, Kimetsu no Yaiba shall retain a permanent spot here. It may take a while to start reviewing the movie, but I’ll be sure to get it done. This is one adaptation that shouldn’t be missed out on. Anyhow, our demon slaying days are on pause for the moment. Enjoy just a brief break!





Click here for the 26th webm collection.


This was merely just the beginning. Tanjirou and friends will return.

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Giuly (@guest_4268)
9 months ago

Finally, I found some kimetsu no yaiba full size screenshots😍will you post also the screencaps from season 2,3 and 4 that’s coming out this year??

Yumiko (@guest_2737)
5 years ago

The movie will likely be the same or ever greater. Look forward to more!

Boner ReachSky
Boner ReachSky (@guest_2736)
5 years ago

Solid 9!! That is for sure (^^)/

Yumiko (@guest_2735)
5 years ago

I look forward to seeing what Ufotable can do with it on the big screen. The televised version was already leagues above the norm.

Jesus Albert
Jesus Albert (@guest_2734)
5 years ago

Movie is coming!!!