Home Joshikausei Joshikausei T.V. Media Review Episode 8

Joshikausei T.V. Media Review Episode 8

by Yumiko

It’s raining, it’s pouring.

Momoko has found herself stuck in the middle of a storm. Taking shelter at a bus stop is her only hope until a friend shows up. However, she wasn’t the only one to take shelter there. A fellow male student is waiting it out, too. Together their both in for a fun time under the rain, although our male counterpart got the better end of the deal. A sopping wet Momoko makes for quite the sight. Anyhow, Shibumi has come in clutch with an umbrella. Enjoy the unintended Momoko action!





Click here for the 8th webm collection.


The rain has stopped for now, but we’ve still got a ways to go. Join us for a few more silent displays here at, Anime Solution.

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Yumiko (@guest_3043)
5 years ago

A lot of situations in anime are quite possible. Even I can say I’ve ran out my house with a piece of toast in my mouth.

Jesus Albert
Jesus Albert (@guest_3042)
5 years ago

Once something similar happened to me, it’s nostalgic.