Home Kimetsu no Yaiba Kimetsu no Yaiba T.V. Media Review Episode 4

Kimetsu no Yaiba T.V. Media Review Episode 4

by Yumiko

Ready for the Final Selection?

Truthfully, Sakonji had no plans to send Tanjirou to the Final Selection. Almost all his students never found their way back from Mt. Fujikasne. However, he will honor his agreement with Tanjirou. He will send him with this blessings, though Tanjirou’s parting words caught him off-guard. Somehow, Tanjirou had learned of Sabito and Makomo, yet this should not be possible. Those two never came back. Moreover, upon Mt. Fujikasne, Tanjirou and other potential candidates are given a simple task. All they must do is survive 7 days, then they will be formally admitted into the Demon Slayer Corps. Now, the demons at the top of this mountain have all been captured, and are of the lowest possible quality. They can not leave the mountain, but they will eat those who prove unworthy. Unfortunately, there’s one demon on this mountain that has overstayed his welcome. A demon who was brought there by Sakonji 47 years ago has sworn revenge. Any disciple of Sakonji’s is met with the most gruesome end possible. Regardless, this demon will finally be meeting his match. That test Tanjirou was never suppose to pass had aided him greatly. The 50 souls this demon has devoured over the years may finally rest easy.

Just so we’re clear, there are a number of things one should remember going forward. They’re all kinda mentioned in passing, but those small bits are quite important. First, there are only two ways to kill a demon. Demons can either die by sunlight or by specialized blades. Those specialized blades must make a clean cut at the neck for the demon to perish. This rule is the standard for most demons, but later on things will get a bit more complex. Moreover, demons range in power and size by the amount of humans they’ve consumed. During this test, the demons were only suppose to be at a max of 3, so killing a 50 is somewhat of a big deal for a newcomer. Lastly, the tragedy surrounding Sakonji’s disciples isn’t quite over yet. This mainly depends on how far the anime goes, as such don’t forget their faces. Anyhow, there’s a new king of this mountain. Enjoy Tanjirou’s first demon slayings!





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The results of the Final Selection shall be dished out next time. Look forward to seeing who was left standing!

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