Home Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? T.V. Media Review Episode 3

Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? T.V. Media Review Episode 3

by Yumiko

Just one sip did the trick!

Kana has received another invitation by Ichirou’s mother. This visit was originally suppose to be for a celebration, though Ichirou’s mother has other ideas in mind. After getting Kana to drink just a sip of alcohol, she’ll be spilling everything. Turns out, Kana use to be quite the timid girl with no direction for the future. All this changed one day when she met a young boy. That boy gave her the confidence to become something she never thought possible, a teacher. Now, Kana is eternally grateful to this individual, and she wishes to meet him again. Well, it just so happens that the boy in her story is Ichirou. Once this was pointed out by Ichirou’s mother, she’ll be leaving the two love birds for some alone time. However, Ichirou does not wish to take advantage of a drunken Kana. She’s more than willing, but this just isn’t right. Kana could lose everything if word of a student-teacher relationship got out. Still, Kana is willing to make the first move. Their first kiss will be sealing the deal for the future.

Kana and Ichirou’s spotlight will be sadly ending here. While we only got to see the spark that set things off, they will continue to build their relationship in the background. Moving forward, we’ll be in store for 3 other student-teacher relationships. The plot will be mostly the same things we’ve come to see, but with different characters from the same school. Anyhow, ready to commit to a scandalous relationship? Enjoy taming the demon’s heart!





Click here for the 3rd webm collection.


Let’s change it up! Join us for the start of a new couple next Thursday.

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Yumiko (@guest_3103)
4 years ago

This is going to take some time, but I’ll slowly begin working on this once this season is over. Thanks for putting this all together. If there’s anymore, please let me know ASAP. Also, I can already tell you some of these are not stitch-able.

Guest (@guest_3596)
Reply to  Yumiko
4 years ago

Did my other reply not go through?

Guest (@guest_3598)
Reply to  Yumiko
4 years ago

Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

Guest (@guest_3739)
Reply to  Yumiko
4 years ago

I forgot to ask where I will be able to find the images. Is there going to be link to them on this comment thread?

Guest (@guest_3102)
4 years ago

Okay I have the list.Episode 1 – 5:49 8:17 22:02Episode 2 – 00:08 4:13 11:06 15:36 20:06 21:12Episode 3 – 20:40Episode 4 – 8:40 9:55 10:14 10:21 10:32 19:45Episode 5 – 00:34 00:42 2:26 2:52 3:15 3:43 3:51 3:59 4:04 7:17 7:36 7:59 8:52 12:32 12:44 14:08 14:30 15:09 15:44 16:04 16:48 17:02 17:42 17:50 19:13 19:43 19:52 20:25 20:29 21:24Episode 6 – 3:47 3:58 6:37 11:43 15:25 17:49 20:49Episode 7 – 10:39 20:43 20:59Episode 8 – 12:26 17:47 20:00Episode 9 – 00:42 18:30Episode 10 – 1:45 7:11 21:46Episode 11 – 00:39 00:45 2:46 4:08 5:40 7:17 7:20 11:53 17:09 17:22 20:14Episode 12 – 14:59 15:19Sorry it is quite a few. I think I made the times more accurate this time but I think they might still be off by a few seconds or so.

Guest (@guest_3101)
4 years ago

Okay thanks. When I get the list I will comment again.

Yumiko (@guest_3100)
4 years ago

I’ll keep you in mind, but it’s a tad difficult to keep in contact with you on a guest account. If anything, feel free to email me with the list at any time.

Guest (@guest_3099)
4 years ago

Okay. Let me know when I can make the request again.

Yumiko (@guest_3098)
4 years ago

Were you the individual that requested Rail Wars? If so, then we should probably hold off on that one for right now. We’re about to hit the end of the season, so I’ll be extra busy.

Guest (@guest_3097)
4 years ago

What did you mean you were strapped for time? I made a different request a while back and you said the show wasn’t for you but you could get the images if I gave you the time stamps. I never got around to it because my computer was messed up but I got a new one and should be able to do it now. But if you’re busy I can hold off awhile.

Yumiko (@guest_3096)
4 years ago

Happy to be of help, and thank you for working this one out with me.

Guest (@guest_3095)
4 years ago

They are all right. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it.

Yumiko (@guest_3094)
4 years ago

Since putting 13 images in a single comment is a bit much, I’ve put them into a post. Let me know if anything is incorrect, https://animesolution.com/2

Guest (@guest_3093)
4 years ago

Episode 2- 4:25 9:11 9:18 9:33Episode 3- 6:57 7:16 9:10 9:37Episode 4- 4:19 5:29 5:49 6:56 7:15The times are probably off by a few seconds.

Yumiko (@guest_3092)
4 years ago

While I do have them, it’ll be a tad hard to narrow down what you’re specially looking for. I made 94 stitches in the first four episodes alone, and you’ve said you already found some of the ones you’re looking for. Since I’m strapped for time, I’ll need time stamps to make this as quick as possible.

Guest (@guest_3091)
4 years ago

Don’t you already have the time stamps since you posted the censored version?

Yumiko (@guest_3090)
4 years ago

This may take a bit of work on your end, but if you can provide me with time stamps, I can get those uncensored stitches back to you.

Guest (@guest_3089)
4 years ago

For this show I was only looking for uncensored images of Kana Kojima. I don’t think there are a lot of uncensored stitches though.

Yumiko (@guest_3088)
4 years ago

Thank you for the kind words. They really mean a lot to me right now. If there’s any specific stitch you would like made from the blu-ray version of this show, then please let me know. I’ll get it back to you ASAP.

Guest (@guest_3087)
4 years ago

Thanks for the info. Hope you get out of your bind, you’re the only one who post good stitches for some of my favorite shows.

Yumiko (@guest_3086)
4 years ago

Unfortunately, I do not have any current plans to review the Blu-ray version of this show. Anime Solution and myself are in a bit of a financial bind at the moment.

Guest (@guest_3085)
4 years ago

Is the uncensored version going to be posted?

Yumiko (@guest_3084)
5 years ago

Don’t worry, I didn’t read any hostile intentions from your comment. I understand the pains of censorship very well. Happy to read you’re looking forward to future postings, though.

Jesus Albert
Jesus Albert (@guest_3083)
5 years ago

I just wanted to show my discontent with censorship, it’s not something against the page. I look forward to your revision of the blu-ray.

Yumiko (@guest_3082)
5 years ago

I’m no fan of censorship, so I certainly know where you’re coming from with this one. if there’s an available spot once all the blu-ray discs are released, then I’d be willing to give this one another look.

Jesus Albert
Jesus Albert (@guest_3081)
5 years ago

I make the sincere request that in the future you will also review the DVD / Blu-ray of this series. This censorship no one likes.