Home T.V. Media Review Yakusoku no Neverland T.V. Media Review Episode 6

Yakusoku no Neverland T.V. Media Review Episode 6

by Yumiko

No more lies!

Don and Gilda’s gambit has shown them more than they expected. Mama’s hidden room was an eye opener, and they both are ready for the truth. That story our trio fed them won’t do any longer. If they are to work together, then everything must be on the table. Unfortunately, accepting the reality of situation isn’t easy to swallow. All their family members who were supposedly adopted met a fate they can not be saved from. However, after a round of apologies, everyone is standing stronger than ever. The 5 oldest children of the orphanage now stand as one, though someone has been watching them. Sister Krone has been spending her time well. The recent gatherings have confirmed everything she needs to know, although she won’t be turning in the children. She’s ready to make a deal with them, yet who will be standing on top after this exchange?

During Don and Gilda’s risky play, we learned some vital information that will aid the children once they escape. Contained within the orphanage’s library are numerous books donated by William Minerva. Each of these books came with a small hidden message that can be deciphered using Morse Code. These messages are simple in nature, but reveal what is happening within the orphanages, and what awaits them if they seek out freedom. Now, trusting this sudden ally is huge, but our children have little choice. Minerva’s words just might be their saving grace once they’ve flown the coop. Moreover, if you had any doubts about Ray, then they should be settled during this episode. Ray has proven himself to be a true partner in this plan. He’s even willing to ship himself out first if things don’t go quite as planned. Anyhow, the false plot to bring down Mama is underway. Enjoy another round of deception!





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Is it an unexpected bargain, or their doom? Find out next week here at, Anime Solution!

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Yumiko (@guest_3201)
6 years ago

This first arc is designed with a lot of cliffhangers in mind. They really want to keep you on your toes until the very end.

Boner ReachSky
Boner ReachSky (@guest_3200)
6 years ago

This episode is really some twist of events!! Every ending has a new suspense coming up XD