Home Site Updates Emergency post #1

Emergency post #1

by Yumiko

Well, the good times couldn’t last forever…

Yesterday I came to y’all with some bad news about Boogiepop, and things only got worse today. Just about half this website has now been given a take down notice. So, as you can imagine the website is pretty much boned. If Anime Solution is taken down, then I’ll make an announcement about further plans on Facebook and Twitter. So, if you’re not following me on either of those, you may want to at least bookmark one of those pages. Anyhow, I’m already expecting the worse, although maybe something good may come out of this. Let’s hope for the best, because I foresee many sleepless nights ahead.


Update 1/20: Here’s a quick run down of where we stand

I’ve contacted all the groups that are involved in this, but I’ve either gotten no responses or go hire a lawyer. So, more than likely I’m going to have to flee my current hosting provider. They pretty much told me they bend the knee to all take down notices no matter what. In any case, there’s a few possible choices I have. I’ve already found other places that will host me, but transferring Anime Solution is going to be a bit of a problem. I don’t have any experience with a WordPress database transfer, so forgive me if things get a bit rocky in the future. Anyhow, I’ll keep everyone posted as I get the news.

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Yumiko (@guest_3254)
6 years ago

Hello, Dark Silver. Glad to have you around, and Anime Solution will live on as long as I can see the light. It’s a bit of a waiting game to see what happens next, though. Moreover, to you and all those those that have found the site this season, I hope you’ll stick with me. This isn’t the ideal situation, but we’ll make it through it.

Yumiko (@guest_3253)
6 years ago

Thank you for the luck. Still no word back from anyone I’ve contacted, so the waiting game continues. I’ll be continuing to take measure to ensure the website survival in the mean time.

Dark Silver
Dark Silver (@guest_3252)
6 years ago

This is really disappointing. I only recently found this site and was really enjoying it. This has become my first stop after watching an episode. I hope you can bounce back or who knows, maybe this will lead to something even better. Ill follow you on twitter to keep up with what you decide to do next. Thank you for all the effort you always put.

Adam Kohut
Adam Kohut (@guest_3251)
6 years ago

I must say I admire your dedication, many people would have given up by now I’m sure. I see the site is in good hands so that’s what I’m happy about. In the end, all I can say is that I pray for your success, may all the gods of luck and odds be with you in these dire times.

Yumiko (@guest_3250)
6 years ago

Well, the group that hit me the hardest is Funimation, so this is a bit of a difficult battle to contend with. I really have no ground to stand against them. I’m still going to keep going without a doubt, though. Everything I can do to save the website is also being done now, too.

Yumiko (@guest_3249)
6 years ago

Thank you for the sentiments, Kaykay. You’ve been one of the few long time viewers, and my top commenter. I truly appreciation your dedication. Now, I don’t plan to let this be the end. There are future shows I’ve already got planned out. In the event the website is taken down from my current provider, I’ve already sought out somewhere else I can be hosted. I’d prefer to stay where I am, but I just might be forced out. We’ll know for sure within this coming week.

Adam Kohut
Adam Kohut (@guest_3248)
6 years ago

I don’t really understand all this policy behind these web sites and such but illegal streaming? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t see any streaming on this website.. If there were some actual anime videos on this site then sure but there aren’t so I don’t really get that… but yea I don’t understand why people are promptly targeting sites like this, it’s as if a bunch of anime haters founded a group to deliberately doom sites that contain anime related content. It sure is sad but all we consumers can do it is pray for the best.

Boner ReachSky
Boner ReachSky (@guest_3247)
6 years ago

Oh my, it’s really sad to hear about that. (T^T) I’m very sorry about the news but I really wished that i could help out with something. Thanks for all the efforts reviewing most of the seasonal anime and all those well made media. I really enjoyed and appreciate everything you did here. Thank you very much for all the efforts that you’ve made…..I don’t know whether this idea ever comes to your mind before, but you’re always welcomed to be back in Fapservice. I believe that it would be fun to work on media together and sharing anime opinions together. I don’t know what actually happened before, but what is past is already past. We can’t turn back time to prevent it from happening, but we certainly can work together on it and do something to prevent it from happening again. Tbh, I do come across some mean people at the website during my time there, but there are a lot of nice people around there too. I understand that working on reviews and media is quite tiring and time consuming sometimes and it’s never gonna be like it starts appearing whenever we chant a magic spell or comes falling from heaven when we say our prayers. Some shows took me a whole day to work on it but i believe that if it helps others to enjoy anime better, it is definitely worth it!!Hope you can still keep up with your good work. (^^)/ (END= Effort Never Dies)!!

Yumiko (@guest_3246)
6 years ago

From what I’ve gathered, the website is being flagged as an illegal streaming website. I’m not sure if it’s a bot going on a rampage or someone with a vendetta, but they are going pretty hard on me. I’ve contacted the people behind this, but I’ve gotten no word back, nor is my service provider really helping with the issue. So, I fully expect the worse here. I’ll give out updates once I get more info, though work on here will continue as normal.

Adam Kohut
Adam Kohut (@guest_3245)
6 years ago

I must say, I knew this will come to this site soon or later… I mean I don’t exactly know the details of this sudden shutdown warning but I’m assuming that it’s due to the copyright issues. All sites like this which gives off anime content for free has been shut down.. it’s a shame but what can we do, after all nothing’s free in this wretched world. But I can’t really understand what’s so bad about some screenshots and GIFs, seriously it’s not like you are posting the whole anime here… in the end, I’d like to say that I’m really sorry that this site is shutting down and that I hope that it won’t happen, if there even is such a possibility… Even though I found this site just recently, which is a shame on my part cause I was really happy when I found about this site, and now to find out that it’s being shut down.. it’s really sad but what can I do, I appreciate all the work you have put into this site, I enjoyed it while it lasted. Thank you for everything.