Home Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) Boogiepop wa Warawanai T.V. Media Review Episode 3

Boogiepop wa Warawanai T.V. Media Review Episode 3

by Yumiko

We’ve come full circle.

Dealing with the world ending threat ends today, though not without a fight. Our two villains in human skin know they are being hunted. Nagi’s investigation poses a high threat to their future plans, thus she must be dealt with. Unfortunately, finding Nagi is a whole other problem. She knows everything is on the line going against a man-eater. She’ll only be coming out once things are in the clear. However, believing there was only one enemy was a dire mistake. Saotome has shown that he is no longer normal in any shape or form. The demon within him was quick to deal with Nagi and nearly took out Echoes. Still, Echoes will not fall before passing judgment upon humanity. There were many who treated him wrong, yet the few who showed him kindness meant much more. Before leaving behind his physical form, he’ll be taking Saotome with him. Now, the lone standing man-eater had just about lost it at this point, although she’ll be dealt with in short order. Boogiepop’s sudden appearance means it’s game over for her.

Today’s episode wraps up the first arc quite nicely. We knew the outcome since episode one, but there were many details that were left out. Everything should be all cleared up now, though. Moreover, I must say I’m surprised that our visitor from another world was willing to sacrifice so much. After what he went through most people would of lost hope long ago. Nevertheless, he saw that his mission and Earth was saved. Humanity must not be so bad, after all. Nagi best treasure that 2nd life she was gifted. Additionally, speaking of judgment, I’m going to have to judge the animation here. I know we’re only 3 episodes in, but there’s some real wonky stuff going on. You’ll see what I’m talking about down below in the WebMs. Overall, the art is fine, it’s just when things get moving it does not look pretty. Anyhow, we begin anew next time. Enjoy the head drop!





Click here for the WebM album.


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