Home Harukana Receive Harukana Receive T.V. Media Review Episode 3

Harukana Receive T.V. Media Review Episode 3

by Yumiko

Welcome to the club.

School starting up, and that means it’s also time to join a club. It also just so happens that two foreigners were over watching a revenge match. Clarie and Emily were impressed to see our two heroines on full display. These two are attempting to start up a club, although they’ll be needing a few members to get off the ground. As soon as Haruka heard about the opportunity she jumped on it. Once everyone was in agreement it was time to hit the beach. Today’s match will only be for practice, though. However, once things got started Kanata’s lack of ability started to get to her. This was especially bothersome to Emily since she knows Kanata is much better than this. A little tough love on the court was needed, but in the end it was well worth it. Kanata’s ability to spike is back!

Today’s episode was all about Kanata trying to restore herself to her former glory. We’re given insight into how she got into the sport. It all began with wanting to make a friend. This friend just so happened to be the cool new transfer student, Narumi. In order to break the ice, she asked Narumi to play beach volleyball with her. While it was a bit embarrassing at first, these two were a natural pair. They even made a promise with one another. One day they would become the national champions. Unfortunately, this promised went unfulfilled. As we already know, Kanata gave up. Still, she always desired to turn things around. A new partner has approached her, and now anything is possible. Anyhow, the Americans await. Enjoy the twin blonde beauties!


OP: The long awaited opening is finally here!


Episode 3:


ED: Just drawing in a circle.




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KayKay (@guest_128)
6 years ago

Nice review for this anime!! (^^)/

Yumiko (@animesolutions)
Reply to  KayKay
6 years ago

Thank you. Happy to read you’re enjoying these reviews.

Xunder (@guest_123)
6 years ago

These ass shots are next level ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yumiko (@animesolutions)
Reply to  Xunder
6 years ago

Yeah, this is one anime I can say I happily review. There’s never a dull moment with this show.

Xunder (@guest_127)
Reply to  Yumiko
6 years ago

Just makes it better