Home Steins;Gate 0 Steins;Gate 0 T.V. Media Review Episode 8

Steins;Gate 0 T.V. Media Review Episode 8

by Yumiko

She’s back!

Okabe’s sudden shift into the alpha world line has caused quite the stir. On the alpha world line it is impossible to save Mayuri’s life. No matter what Okabe does the world will find away to end her. Although there is one positive on the alpha side. Kurisu is alive and well! Still, this isn’t the ideal outcome. Moreover, Okabe’s sudden arrival to the lab already put him out of place during this world line. The Okabe of this world had given up all hope of saving Mayuri. It wouldn’t be long before the girl genius figured out what was going on. Now, a difficult decision must be made. Even at the cost of her own life, Kurisu knows it is right that Okabe should return back to the beta line. Although convincing Okabe is whole other matter.

Episode 8 is without a doubt the best episode yet. Not only does it feature an alive Kurisu, but also a romantic moment. You’ll see what goes down below. She knew convincing him wouldn’t be easy, and those lips don’t lie. Additionally, there is the matter of how Okabe was able to get back into the alpha side. This is only speculation, yet Okabe’s continued chats with the Amadeus System may have been the cause. Kurisu was only able to build a time machine once she met Okabe. Anyhow, only time will tell what was the root cause. For now let’s enjoy our short time with Kurisu!





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Ixsiehn (@guest_75)
6 years ago

Just a correction and some feedback:
This episode is in the Alpha worldline. The original worldline that we know okabe is from is the Beta worldline, the reason for this, is that the okabe that named these worldlines is the okabe from the Alpha worldline (that alternate worldline), hence, in HIS point of view, his worldline is the origin worldine.

As for the episode review itself, I’d love to see your thoughts on the episode itself, rather than just a recap in text and a bunch of screenshots. I watched the episode already, so i know all these stuff =p Tell me something I wouldn’t know, like your reactions, your impressions, your thoughts, analysis, etc.

Hope this helps

Yumiko (@animesolutions)
Reply to  Ixsiehn
6 years ago

You are absolutely right. I’ve now fixed up the alpha and beta mix up. Thank you for pointing this out to me. Now, as for adding my own personal reactions or analysis, well I’d love to do all that. However, the media is the main focus here. I understand where you’re coming from with wanting more text, though. I’ll attempt to improve on it with future reviews, but just know that working on the media here takes typically at least 5ish hours or
more. So, when I get to typing I’m already beat. Still, always feel free leave feedback here. I’m really glad you did. I know there’s
other mistake on this website, but you’re the first to say anything. So again, thank you.