Home Black Clover Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 6

Black Clover T.V. Media Review Episode 6

by Yumiko

So, you want to join the Black Bulls, kid.

Asta, in for one fiery greeting upon opening the front doors of the Black Bulls. Joining the bottom of the barrel among magical knights isn’t going to be easy. From the get go we’re introduced to one rowdy bunch. Today’s new cast members include: Vanessa, Luck, Gauche, Charmy, Grey, and Magna. Each of these new characters are quite unique and will be getting to know Asta more over the coming weeks. Anyhow, after greetings are over, Magna, steps up to speak about an initiation. This initiation will be a test for Asta to earn his Black Bulls robe. Asta, is put to the works and then challenged by, Magna. The fire power thrown at Asta during his challenge was unlike anything he had seen before. Facing certain danger his body reacts instinctively and deflects Magna’s fire right back at him. Seeing this cool move, Magna, is more than impressed. Asta, is awarded his robe and his new found friends all cheer.

Today’s episode adapted chapter 4 from the manga. Now this chapter is only 19 pages and goes by quite fast. So, as one can imagine this week episode was a bit stretched out. However, it was still an excellent episode. Seeing all these members animated for the first time was quite the treat. Next week we’ll be getting to know one more member. She’ll be quite the delight to see as well. Moreover, time for the media. Enjoy!





Click here for the WebM album.


I sense a noble presence coming. Find out who the other new member is next week here at, Anime Solution!

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Damaris Condori
Damaris Condori (@guest_9)
7 years ago

I wanted to know if I can have permission to download their screenshot and upload to the wikia of Black clover in Spanish

Yumiko (@animesolutions)
Reply to  Damaris Condori
7 years ago

Hello! Feel free to use the media here as you please. Thank you for asking, though.

Damaris Condori
Damaris Condori (@guest_11)
Reply to  Yumiko
7 years ago

thank you 🙂