Home Konohana Kitan Konohana Kitan T.V. Media Review Episode 3

Konohana Kitan T.V. Media Review Episode 3

by Yumiko

Girls can love girls!

It’s time for Yuzu to take a back seat. Episode 3 is all about Ren and Natsume. Let’s begin with how these two lovers met. A chance encounter is all it took. Ren, had just been dirtied by a boy and was attempting to wash herself. Natsume, see that she is having a rough time and lends her aid. The actions Natsume took that day left a big impression on, Ren. So much that she fell for her that very day. However, Ren quickly finds out who the real Natsume is. Natsume, is really rough on the edges, but when it comes down to it she’s a good girl. You’ll see her actions speak louder than her words during this week episode. These two are destined for love!

Another fantastic episode this week. If you’re a fan of yuri than you’ll love this one for sure. I know yuri is often baited in these type of shows, but this one is for real. These fox girls actually love one another. Great work on pulling it off, Lerche. Anyhow, onto this week media. Enjoy!





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