Home Fate/Apocrypha Fate/Apocrypha T.V. Media Review Episode 15

Fate/Apocrypha T.V. Media Review Episode 15

by Yumiko

It’s the calm before the storm.

The long night has finally come to an end! For those that were not keeping count the battle between the forces of Black and Red spanned 7 entire episodes. Episode 15 provides some much needed breathing and recovery time for the remaining cast. The Black faction has especially been devastated due to the war. In order for the Yggdmillennia family to continue on some new friends must be made. An uneasy truce with Sieg, Sisigou, and their servants have been struck. Now the forces of Black stand a chance once more to contend in the battles to come. Meanwhile, tensions remain high on the Red side. Archer and Rider did not take kind knowing they had been used, and their masters had been disposed of. However, after a brief discussion with, Shirou, they find none of their wishes conflict with one another. As such they agree to remain loyal for now.

Not really much to report back in terms of good or bad quality this episode. This was a transition episode more than anything else. It went down easy and was some what enjoyable. So, let’s get right to the media. Enjoy!





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It’s a classic tale of Red v Black. Who will come out on top?! Check back every week for more Fate/Apocrypha updates.


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