Home Harukana Receive Harukana Receive T.V. Media Review Episode 1

Harukana Receive T.V. Media Review Episode 1

by Yumiko

She’ll have her revenge!

Our journey begins on the island of Okinawa. Haruka has come to live with her grandmother and cousin. Upon arrival she is greeted by Kanata. These two cousins haven’t seen one another in years, yet this faithful reunion is where the fun begins. Haruka can hardly contain herself seeing the clear waters surrounding Okinawa. The beach is her destination as soon as she could leave the taxi. While she played around, Kanata went to change. It was during this time Haruka found two girls playing beach volleyball. Narumi and Ayasa are here just for some practice, but they let Haruka join in for some fun. Unfortunately, things turned sour once Kanata showed back up. Narumi and Kanata appear to have quite the troubled relationship. Just the sight of Kanata set Narumi off. It was at this point a challenge was declared. The cousins would face off against the local champions. Well, for the first time Haruka it was a slaughter, still she had a blast playing. A defeat here isn’t the end. She wants a rematch, and next time she’ll be the winner.

She may be new to the sport, but this novice is already willing to take on champions! All right, this episode was mainly about showing off beach volleyball to a newbie. Nothing too major went down aside from some drama. The drama between Narumi and Kanata will be expanded upon next week. It’s nothing major, although in the sports world everything is dramatic. Moreover, I’m so happy to finally watch a beach volleyball anime. I’ve wanted this for years, and now I’ve finally got it. Hopefully things only continue to take off from here. Anyhow, the sands await. Enjoy the learning curve!





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Next time the training pains begin. Be sure to join us every Friday for more Harukana Receive!

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Xunder (@guest_110)
6 years ago

Lots of plot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Nah man, the artstyle is actually nice.

Yumiko (@animesolutions)
Reply to  Xunder
6 years ago

They put the budget into all the right places. Honestly though, this first episode was quite fluid. If they can keep it up the volleyball action should be a delight to view.