Home Mahou Shoujo Site Mahou Shoujo Site T.V. Media Review Episode 12

Mahou Shoujo Site T.V. Media Review Episode 12

by Yumiko

Let’s put a end to the suffering.

Tsuyuno may have swapped sides, but not by choice. Her transformation into an administrator has just begun. In order to become a full time member she must collect negative energy. Upon completing her rebirth the perfect source stood right in front of her. Aya has now become her target. These former friends are compelled to clash, although Tsuyuno will be the only one on the offensive. It’s a game of cat and mouse until Aya can get in real close. As Tsuyuno choked her out she bet everything on a chance. Firing her stick on herself caused an unusual transfer. She was able to transport her love “ life force” inside Tsuyuno. Being pumped with Aya’s love gave Tsuyuno a second chance at life. The duo has been restored, and now their eyes focus on Nana. Ever been hit by a train?

The finale focused mainly on Aya and Tsuyuno, yet a few other interesting developments took place. Sayuki’s heroic stand off against her admin came to an epic conclusion. It all came down to one strike, but that was all she needed. Moreover, remember Aya’s brother? Kichiro has held him captive since the incident at Sayuki’s home. Kaname’s long awaited punishment will finally be carried out. I’m surprised they included it in the anime, nevertheless justice has been served. You’ll see a WebM of all that below. Lastly, for some strange reason the anime left off with a cliffhanger. No body should expect a season 2. If one does happen that would be great, unfortunately there’s a number of issues with this adaptation.

It’s time to talk story! How well was this manga to anime adaptation? Well, I’ve said it countless times throughout these reviews. Many things have been either cut out or changed. So, in the end we got a anime original ending. Still, I’d like to go over some of the changes. I believe the defining moment of this anime route was during episode 7. Nana was suppose to “kill” Sarina. Instead she was just threatened. What was suppose to happen was Sarina got shot, but another girl turns back time and stops her from meeting up with Nana. Ultimately the girl who saved Sarina was cut out from the anime. Although funnily enough they show a picture of her during this episode. Anyways, Sarina living and the cut out of Alice changed things up drastically. They still loosely followed the manga story, however with 12 episodes what can you do? I believe they gave a decent ending even if heavily rushed and original.

Overall the media for Mahou Shoujo Site was quite easy to work with. I can’t say the art or animation was ever spectacular. The show also had some very obvious low moments. Episodes 5 and 10 stuck out as low budget. Still, I’m not going to knock production doA to hard. This is their first full cour anime. Things were kept consistent for the most part, but hopefully they do some touch up work for the blu-rays. I will say they did go above and beyond for one character. They had a special love for Kaname. Episode 8 truly was amazing. The super-fan won’t ever forget that bulge.

Now with everything in mind I’d give this show a solid 7/10. I know many people were more than likely turned away because of the first 2 episodes. The extreme bullying is stopped after that point, and this being a blood fest only happens during small burst going forward. After that we actually had a few amazing scenes. We had Onii-chan’s first murder, the epic pantsu steal, and the devastating death of Tsuyuno. Honestly if you can make it pass episode 1 you’re in for quite the treat. Anyhow, enough chatter. Enjoy the King’s only line!





Click here for the WebM album.


That’s it for these magical girls. May the remainder of their lives be a peaceful one, hopefully…

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KayKay (@guest_94)
6 years ago

It’s good to know there’s a happy ending for this anime. (^_^) For the ratings of 7/10, it is the best you can give? I was thinking of watching this anime if there ratings got an 8/10 or above. Still short of one point, too bad…….

Yumiko (@animesolutions)
Reply to  KayKay
6 years ago

I enjoyed this anime without a doubt, however going over 7/10 would be a force. There are several issues that I have to take points off for. Nothings perfect, but I do believe this score is fair enough for this show. Still, I’d say give it a chance if you ever have any extra free time. It should be a fun view now that all the episodes can be consumed at once.

KayKay (@guest_96)
Reply to  Yumiko
6 years ago

Alright then, thanks for reviewing!! Will give this show a try when I had the time. (^_-)